
Bike Tour: Nuremberg to Lauf an der Pegnitz

The Kaiserberg in Lauf an der Pegnitz
The Kaiserberg in Lauf an der Pegnitz Photo © Sarah Stenz

Biking is a great way to get fresh air and take in the local sights, even in a time when tourism options are limited. This bike route will take you through a diverse landscape: starting along

Nuremberg’s ancient city walls and passing an urban beach, then continuing on following the grassy shores of the Pegnitz river and finally ending at the quaint half-timbered houses and medieval architecture of Lauf an der Pegnitz.

This route begins at the Hallerwiese, but can be easily started from Fürth by simply following the bike path along the Pegnitz towards Nuremberg. The way to Lauf an der Pegnitz is relatively flat, with only a few, brief inclines. Most of the paths are paved, but a few sections of firmly packed earth could get a bit muddy after rain. At a brisk pace, the one-way trip should take about an hour and a half. There are plenty of opportunities for a scenic picnic along the way, and many pleasant cafés once you reach Lauf (Buonissimo, located right outside the Nürnberger Tor, has particularly tasty ice cream!). Make sure to admire the charming town center before wandering down Johannisstraße to the Kaiserburg. Even in lockdown, you can walk through its courtyard and over the covered bridge behind it. More information on Lauf and its points of interest can be found here. When you’re ready to head home, simply follow the way back, or rest your weary legs on the next train to Nuremberg at the nearby Lauf (rechts Pegnitz) train station. 

1. Along the Pegnitz in Nuremberg
2. Wöhrder See
3. Pegnitzwiesen bei Erlenstegen
4. The remains of the Hammer Industrial Settlement
5. The Old Town Hall in Lauf an der Pegnitz
6. Lauf an der Pegnitz
7. Lauf an der Pegnitz
All photos © Sarah Stenz

Note: This is an unofficial path suggestion. Always check the trail conditions and obey any official signs and instructions. English Post does not take responsibility for any damages or injuries that may occur from following this route.

1 Comment

  1. A ride to the Nurnberger Ei is pretty good, not too far from there just behind the Bosch plant is a man-made hill that gives an amazing view of the city skyline.

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