News from City Hall

Nuremberg City Library “Pick-up” service

City Library Nuremberg Pick-up service
Photo courtesy of City of Nuremberg

From Friday, January 29, 2021, Nuremberg library customers can reserve media and then pick it up. The pick-up service replaces the delivery services previously offered and is available at all locations of the city library, including the mobile library buses. You can order online at , or by phone Monday to Friday from 11 am. to 4 pm. under 0911 231-7565. You can also order by phone from the branch libraries on their respective opening days. Each order is limited to a maximum of ten media which can then be picked up at the selected location later.

How does the order work? 

A valid library card is required to use the pick-up service. Each order is limited to only one library location, which can be selected when ordering, i.e. the central library, one of the branch libraries or a library bus. Only media which is available at the selected location may be requested. All types of media listed in the online catalogue as available (green checkmark) at can be ordered and picked up. The online form also offers the option to describe a desired topic and media will be suggested accordingly. Anyone who needs support using the online catalogue or would like media tips can phone for advice at this number 0911 231-7565 or use the online contact form on the city library’s website. Orders can also be placed over the telephone, lines are open Monday to Friday from 11 am. to 4 pm.

The City Library says all orders are processed as quickly as possible but asks for patience as in some cases media may not be available despite being shown with a green checkmark.

How collection and returns work? 

Media is available for pick up one day after ordering. Customers can check their user account (list of borrowed media) to see if their order has been processed. Once the media are marked as borrowed users have three Pick-up days in which to collect. Pick-up days refer to the days on which the respective location is accessible for pick-up.

At the Stadtbibliothek Zentrum (City Central Library), Gewerbemuseumsplatz 4, 90403 Nürnberg, ordered media can be collected from a window to the right of the main entrance. Pick-up times are Monday to Friday from 11 am. to 4 pm. Mobile library busses are at the indicated stops within the city area. 

When picking up the media, minimum social distancing rules must be observed, the wearing of an FFP2 mask is obligatory.

Borrowed media do not need to be returned until the city library reopens. An earlier return is possible via the 24-hour return service at the City Central Library. 

All details and information about the media pick-up service as well as other offers from the city library can be found at:

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